Shared Spaces | Affordable Commercial Space
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Sharing vacant commercial spaces

Putting Idle Spaces to Work

Why Shared Spaces?

We are a match-making platform where those looking for affordable warehouse, office and flex space can connect with those with idle space who are willing to host. 

Everyone wins utilizing shared space!


People or organizations with excess office, warehouse or flex space to HOST


People or organizations looking for office, warehouse, or flex space for cheap. Also known as GUESTS

How It Works

Seeking Space

  • You need space pronto, but don’t want a long-term, expensive commitment.


  • Use the search section to find open office space or warehouse space. Refine your search results as needed.


  • Once you find what you need, follow the checkout process to book your space.


  • Amounts for partial months are prorated at checkout, and you will be billed for every full month in advance, on the first of each month.


  • Increase or decrease your storage needs on a monthly basis, as necessary. Cancel at any time, free of charge. No refunds for any monthly fees already paid.


Offering Space

  • You want to make money from your empty warehouse or office spaces.


  • Once you are ready, create a Shared Spaces account and select “Have” as your role.


  • Create buildings and list spaces within those buildings. Add good pictures, set your hosting rates and availability, and publish your listing.


  • Once someone finds your space and it meets their needs, they will book it, and you will start making money on your empty space!


  • Use our awesome set of tools to manage your shared spaces and to coordinate drop-offs and pick-ups for your warehouse spaces.


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